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How to Choose the Right Wig for Cancer Patients

August 17, 2024
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How to Choose the Right Wig for Cancer Patients

Life is not easy for those patients who suffer from hair loss which occurs due to cancer. Some of them wish to wear a wig when they are suffering from this problem. Free or low-cost wigs can be offered by several companies for cancer patients.

Now, I am going to provide a brief description of Choose the Right Wig for Cancer Patients, with their advantages and types, what are the best ways to choose the right wig, and how to care for and wash your human hair wig.

Brief Overview of Wig for Cancer Patients

Many people are wearing a wig that covers their head during chemotherapy. It is a form of cancer treatment that causes hair thinning or hair loss in them. They must contact with the healthcare team if suffering from these problems.

The hair starts falling within 1 to 3 weeks when suffering from cancer disease. People may notice this problem in 1 to 2 months.

Advantages of Wearing Human Hair Wig during Chemotherapy

Wearing a human hair wig has several benefits. These are as follows:

  • A person feels comfortable when he or she wears a wig.
  • It provides protection from the weather.
  • It comes in different styles and colors, which suit your personality.

Types of Hair Wigs

There are two types of hair wigs, which are as follows:

  • Synthetic hair wigs

Synthetic wigs are natural and cheaper as compared to human hair wigs. They are lighter, which lasts for 4 to 8 months. These wigs are extracted from natural synthetic fibers which have different colors, styles, and lengths.

  • Human hair wigs

These wigs are high-quality, flexible, and durable, which provides a natural look and can be maintained and styled as similar to human hair. They are expensive wigs which cost between 50 and 100 pounds.

Best Ways to select a Right Wig for the treatment of Cancer

The right wig can be selected in various ways. These are as follows:

1. Choose a size

It is important to select the correct size which best fits your head. A person can feel comfortable and secure when they wear the correct size, which can be measured by the cloth measuring tape. This tape determines the cap size which measures his or her head. It increases self-confidence in a person. An individual can choose an adjustable hair wig if he or she suffers from hair loss. People choose the size of their hair wig while suffering from hair loss or hair thinning.

2. Select a Wig Style and Color

You can choose a perfect style that best fits your feelings, personality, and recovery. Styling is the best option which increases your confidence when dealing with cancer problems. The wigs can be chosen in any style and color. It must match the color of an individual’s human hair.

3. Comfort and Wig Material

Comfort is the most important key for selecting a wig when a person fights a serious illness. The human hair wigs are suggested by the doctor for those people who suffer from cancer disease. Synthetic wigs do not provide the same comfort as compared to these wigs. These wigs can cause irritation and breathing problems
around the scalp.

4. Use a protective layer for your wig

You can wear a soft cotton scarf or skullcap, which protects the scalp from hair loss. It prevents
irritation in a person feels comfortable wearing a wig

How to Wash Hair Wigs?

If you want to style your human hair wigs properly then you can wash it in three different methods. These are as follows:

Brush your Wig before Washing

You can brush your wig which removes all tangles or leftover hairspray before washing. It is a thorough cleaning process, which helps to style your wigs.

Wash your Wig with Gentle Shampoo and

A gentle shampoo and conditioner will keep your wigs soft, which looks good and easily manageable. However,
it is a better option for styling your hair wigs.

Use Cold Water for Washing Your Wigs

Mix the cold water with a small amount of shampoo and swirl your wig gently in the mixture. Soak it for a few minutes and then rinse in cold water. Do not brush your wig when it is wet. Remove the excess water by wrapping the wig in a towel. After that, place a wig in the bottle or wig stand to keep it dry.

What are the Steps to Care for Hair Wigs?

If you want to provide vitality, shine, and texture in your human hair wigs, then it needs regular care. This can be followed in several steps:

Water-soluble hair spray

A water-soluble hair spray makes the wig natural and fresh. When a person can wear this type of wig, he or she feels more comfortable and confident.

Select the correct brush

Choose the correct brush from a plastic, wire, or natural bristle brush for your wig. Do not use any unwanted brushes which damage a wig.

Choose light and short strokes

A wig looks nice from gentle and short strokes. It is the best way to style a wig. Do not use heavy brushing, which damages your hair wigs and makes them less natural.

Avoid heat exposure

You can keep your wigs away from naked flame or extreme hot conditions. This provides protection from damage and keeps them secure.

Avoid Standard Brushes

The regular hair brushes pull too hard and damage your hair wig. You can select those brushes which can be made for wigs specifically.

Avoid Brushing

Brushing a wet human hair wig can cause damage and lose its shape. Therefore, you should not brush this wig when it is wet.


This blog describes the best ways to choose the right hair wig for cancer patients. It can be selected on the basis of styling, material, quality, etc. This allows the person to feel comfortable and confident.

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